I was born and raised in Parma, where I obtained a BS in Mechanical Engineering. Once my love for physics became clear, I moved to Milan and converted to Engineering Physics at Politecnico di Milano. There, I obtained my MS in condensed matter physics, with a focus on photonics and nanotechnology, and an internship at the European Synchrotron Facility in Grenoble, France. I later joined the group of Andrea Cavalleri at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Hamburg, gaining significant expertise in THz studies of light-induced superconductors. My PhD work, defended in November 2024, centered on developing the novel technique of Ultrafast Magnetometry and unveiling the magnetic properties of photo-excited cuprate superconductors. In the Baldini group, joined at the beginning of 2025, I will expand further on investigating electronic correlated systems with multidimensional THz spectroscopy and pave the way for applications by integrating them in van der Walls heterostructures. In my free time, I enjoy DIY projects, bouldering and latin american dances.