Saegyeol Jung
Saegyeol Jung
Postdoctoral Fellow
PhD: Seoul National University
About Me

I grew up in Ilsan, South Korea, and obtained my B.S. in Physics and Mathematics from Seoul National University (SNU) in 2017. During my Ph.D. at SNU, I developed expertise in a compact Second Harmonic Generation setup and 6 eV time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. My graduate research focused on the broken symmetry states in strongly correlated materials, especially cuprate superconductors. I will join the Baldini lab in the summer of 2024. My current research interest is in developing time-resolved second harmonic generation to study the order parameter dynamics in broken symmetry states of various quantum materials, including van der Waals materials and strongly correlated materials. Outside of science, I enjoy spending my free time weight training at the gym and riding bicycles.